Sweet potato muffins

I miss the complicated recipes, with layers, stages, temperatures. Like this one, this one or this absolute beauty. For now, baking is very much wham, bam, baby-approved sweet potato muffin. I’m sure those detailed recipes will come again. Ingredients 85g sultanas (or raisins) 125g steamed sweet potato, mashed (you could also grate up some apple…

A Year in the Life

No recipe today Picture a bench. Not charmingly situated in a little park, but sitting on a traffic island beside a bus stop. It isn’t sheltered, hence useless in rain or shine. In fact, for all the times I’ve passed it, I’ve never witnessed anyone using it. The only person who seems to have sat…

Roasted broccoli & bacon conchiglie bake with lemon crème fraîche

I love cookbooks. Not just for recipes, but because food photographers are so talented. I have cookbooks that get more action as coffee table books. Probably the most used cookbooks I own ticks all the beautiful and useful boxes: The Quick Roasting Tin by Rukmini Iyer. Her whole Roasting Tin series is a great concept,…

Lemon Drizzle Cake

More and more, I’m going online for recipes, especially for meals suitable for the small noisy person who takes up a lot of my time these days. For every excellent recipe, there are 10 recipes that have to be converted from imperial to metric measurement and another 10 recipes that have a lengthy introduction. Let’s…

Buying Presents Online in Belgium

Let’s not dwell on how long it has been since I last wrote a word here (almost two years). Let’s not even dwell on what’s happened in the last 10 months (I had a baby, the world got sick). But babies and global pandemics are the reasons for me taking to my keyboard today. The…


As I (currently) work from home, I jump at the opportunity to put on clean clothes, paint my face and drink coffee somewhere other than my desk. Last week, I went to a conference in the European Parliament on EU Research and Innovation in our daily life. This was all very interesting and relevant to…

Home, Sweet Home

My name is Sylvia and I am a Schaerbeekoise. Or I will be, once the commune gets moving on my identity card. Schaerbeek is the second-largest commune (or municipality) in the Brussels region, so it might be some time before it is official.  So far, so good. According to Wikipedia, we are in the yuppie…

Nobody Does It Better (chicken mole)

Listen, just accept now that this post is going to be a stream of consciousness. For some reason, I’ve taken to using song titles for a lot of my post titles. Because of today’s recipe, I’ve got spies on the mind. Nobody Does It Better is a favourite James Bond theme song of mine. This…

Salmon and spinach curry

London calling, yes, I was there too. I was probably just visiting though, because I’ve never actually lived there. Nevertheless, London calls as much as Cork or Brussels, especially now that I have an honorary nephew in one borough and a brand-new honorary niece in another borough. Not to mention cousins scattered around the city…

P is for Podcasts

The featured image is my baby, my iPod nano. I’ve had it since around 2012 (about 500 years in electronic equipment-years), it has a nifty little clip at the back and is no longer available. For this reason, I stick to Apple Podcasts/iTunes. If I didn’t have the iPod, I would use Overcast on iOS…

Stop, Look, Listen

Warning: this post has been a long time coming. I’m going full nerd. It’s been a while.  Although it seems that the world has moved on since Queen wrote Radio Ga Ga, a little digging revealed that the song was actually written as a critique of radio stations. Television was taking over and more people…

Whistle While You Work

In case you haven’t checked the calendar…it’s still January. February is peeking shyly around the corner, but January continues to hang around like a bad smell. No, actually January is like that scene in bad romantic films, where the guy walks the girl to her door and they have that awkward “Sooooo…this is me” conversation….